Tuesday, September 17, 2013

We're not dead, just dying and living, dear heart. dear runner.

     Why does listening to dramamine make me want to cry
go crazy

and seeing photos of kurt cobain makes me so sad

and talking to you makes me lose hope                                                                go insane

becauseeachday that passes you slip farther and farther and farther and farther and farther and farther and farther and farther and farther away and i'm so scared

          lose you

"the moment you realize
that your bones are made of the same dust
as the planets, 
your lungs are breathing the same air
as the migrating butterflies,
and your blood is pumping because
of the love and care of thousands;

is when you realize
that you are not as broken
as you think you are. 
you are full
of the world. "

I need you i need you i need y
i love you

i love all of you
and i wan't to die
but i don't
i know i don't and i know i won't but i want to 
god i want to
feel what it feels like

But i'm not dead
                        and that's coming, i guess
cause we're all dying
                                But for now i'm       a    li   v    e   
-We are alive
So let's accept that!
Let's take advantage of that!
Do everything to the fullest that we cant
do everything we can't do once we aren't here
We have to accept the fact that we're living.
We can't run away together if we aren't alive.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Smoke and water.

I told you today that I'm going to stop smoking because everytime I start to get high I Tripp that I'm drowning.
You, in all your anxiety and sadness and concern and love asked me if that was something I desired.
How you asked it though
In all your anxiety and sadness and concern
And innocence
And love
How you asked it made me feel like you cared. Like you honestly cared. Like someone did.
And I didn't realize you actually knew how I felt.

I don't want to drown, you made me realize. The past few days I've been thinking I did. And then i remembered that feeling
The feeling of the smoke choking me from the inside
Slowly smothering me as my friends laughed themselves into oblivion
I don't want to drown.
Even though I already am.

Our trips are like dreams. They represent and pull to the surface our feelings. I guess even my subconscious felt I was drowning dying disappearing.
I guess my subconscious wanted me to see what it felt like to die

And it's not a good feeling.

It's scary as fuck.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

It's been a while since I've been so sad that I couldn't step out of bed.

I really don't mean to rhyme here. But for some reason I feel like something was left unsaid.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I'm just kind of sad

Just kinda want to cry


but i can't, i fucking can't

why can't I just go.

i'm so sad 
    all the time

                                        there are so many people and so many decisions and so many things going on and i wish i wish i wish i wish things were different but they're not

this toxicity is growing in me and i can't let it out

and i have to stop talking

I'll just whisper it all to my notebook
the only thing i can't fuck up

Cause everyone else is too diaphanous

And i'm tired of bird metaphors. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Yeah um

i don't know, 

i guess i'm just dying everyday

but i guess everyone is, right?

That's why we smoke, we fuck, we drive with our eyes closed and cross the roads without looking

because we know we're all dying

because we know that it's all ending

that's why we don't care

we don't care because there's nothing worth caring for

except for others,

but they're dying too

except the ocean

but it's turning toxic

maybe the mountains

but they're just falling
everything everything everything is dying

except for me

i just want to f


disappear and die

no, not that, just disappear,

like a ghost leaving footprints in the snow

i miss my birdcage ribs, mountain valley hips

everything i despise is what is keeping me alive but i don't care about that anymore

I'm empty i guess

 -And when you touched my scars, I don't know why I didn't like it,
maybe it's because i've wanted someone to touch them for so long
but not you
not you because
because it doesn't feel right.