Is it bad that i can get worked up over
something i saw over the internet? Comments idiotic people make because they don't know better, because they're too close minded to think before they speak to
empty minded to realize they don't know what they are talking about. Is it bad that these things i saw made me want to cry, made me want to cry because it's comments like those that push people over the
Cutting. Cutting cutting cutting Cutter. The word loses meaning once you read say
[feel] it too much. Saying Cutter, i think, is like saying [Nigger]. The only people who should say those words are the people who actually
belong to those words-others shouldn't label them in that way.
"If you cut have the decency to hide it"
"People that cut themselves are mentally sick ! Grow the fuck up! You don't have the worst life out there so stop cutting... Because no one gives a fuck. everyone has their own story."
People have the right to be
proud of their scars. Or, to be
scared of them. Showing them off, it means they're getting stronger. It means they're trying trying trying trying
trying to move on but they need help.
And, some just want to
show them off. It's true that some do it for
atttention. i know i did, i do. But that in itself isn't something that should not be labeled as [stupid]. There's probably a psychological need
longing feeling reason we feel that that's the way to get the attention we crave, and it's not a good thing to think, not a good thing to[ feel]. People who are hurt like that, they're hurting enough already-they don't need anyone to label them as a moron, a [fucking cunt a fucking attention whore] they them whoever we know that what we are doing.isn't.right. But it's a
vice. Everyone has their own story it's true-that doesn't mean everyone can deal with it the same way. It doesn't mean everyone knows how to deal with it.
"fucked up but shes the idiot for doin it...stupid as fuck.."
" Why would you want to put your body through more harm than what was already done to it, my opinion is she wants attention and is stupid as fuck and she gets none of my sympathy!"
" if you feel like the only way to control your environment is to create pain upon your own flesh; just do society a favor jump off a bridge lol."
Have you ever felt the
black hole, the
wall, the
entity, the
Have you ever felt the
[deep, dark numbness inside your chest, growing like a cancer, not letting you breath think see feel cry]
Have you ever felt the
[barrier from the outside world, making you feel like nothing is real, everything is surreal, and you can't touch the world. You're in a prison looking out through a foggy window. Your watching yourself in a movie in a dream but you aren't a part of it]
Have you ever felt the [
shadow behind you, telling you everything you do is wrong, making you fall and stepping on your hands, enticing you to the edge, pretending to be your friend lover guardian angel]
Have you ever fallen in
[the hole ditch grave that your entity has dug for you, that your mind has dug for you that won't let you escape without a rope thrown to you by someone else. You can't climb up the walls cause the dirt slips, and each struggle to escape just digs you down deeper]
Have you ever. Have you ever felt any of these
glorious sensations. Have you ever tried to
stop them. Have you ever tried to find a
sane healthy anyway out of them,
[screaming]any fucking way at all.
Cause believe me, i have. And i'm sure many other people in my
position have as well.
but i was just too fucking
Tired of
fighting the current, fighting my
entity, fighting the
wall, the
ditch, the
black hole. Hurting myself was an
Physical pain felt better than mental pain
It helped me
b r e a t h
And i know that's what it can do for others as well.
So don't speak about what you don't know.